
In the begining was sound.
From where time and space are lost.
To the place where I can glimpse my own soul.
In the begining...
In the begining was
the silence sound.



If you hear a voice within you say,
'You cannot paint',
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced.

Vincent Van Gogh.




I dream my paintings,
then I paint my dreams.

Vicent Van Gogh.


With respect and love,
all are...









The writings presented in this blog are completely original. Its use is possible if and when you quote your origin and my complete name (Ana Manuela García Contreras).
Thanks to respect me like author and to respect my art work.
I hope you enjoy with "My own Art" a lot!!

Anna, always with Love.



Las Canteras Beach. Fireworks of the `Night of San Juan´ (June 2016).




To be like water!, my friend. :)

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2016

The last sadness.

Speak in colours
not only white and black.
When the shadows are gone
I can life in peace
with the sadness outside.
                 The last.
I exist in colours...
not only in white and black.


viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Forever Love.

Love forever.
Always love.
Within God.
Into my soul.
My own love,
     my perfect love.
   I was born to love.
          Love forever.
          Forever love.


miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

"Girl on the beach".

As a little girl on the beach is walking 
when the sun is bright
I´m following to the wind...
In the Mediterranean afternoon or... 
in another place like this,
I feel the life is alive in my body, in my heart, in my mind...
I want to live like this little girl of the painting
always with a beautiful smile.



Through this link you can find a Spanish version of this poem newborn in English.

If you want to access to the bank of google images to see more photos about the work of Sorolla click here:

And...  if you want to know something more about this wonderful painter you can see in this link of Wikipedia:

Finally, if you will go to Madrid, dont´t forget to visit the House Museum of Sorolla:

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2016


Summer love.
Endless life.
Quiet night.
Happy day.
I´m starting again 
to smile in peace


Nature and... Art!

         Thanks to the friend Eder that gift me  this photo that today, I can to share with you here.

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016


Welcome to the garden
in this warm afternoon,
where flowers rest 
and the sky is blue.
Welcome with a happy heart
for giving me the best gift;
welcome to my garden
where is possible to live 
                                 in peace.


jueves, 15 de septiembre de 2016


Reading between the lines
learning through the life,
following the white cloud 
           and the blue sky,
  gratefully for my peace


You can visit my other English blog. 
I hope you would like it and maybe, also you can find it useful at the same time. Thanks.

miércoles, 14 de septiembre de 2016


Art is one of the highest ways of expression of the human beings,
                                                           is to live.  
Art is the perfect manifestation inmortal love into the life.
Art is this life with this love and... my inner me. 
Art is one of the languagues with God to speak.
                                                           ART IS.
          The most marvellous creativity free in me.
                                                      I´m an artist.


I just wrote this little poem inspired in this morning when, in my first class of my first specific English course, the teacher asked ´What is art?´
This course is named DECCA: Developing English Communicative Competence Through Art.
I have written here your name because maybe might be interesting in for someone ...

The picture that appears above is called ´Ixone to the window´ and is a work of a Spanish contemporary  painter called Antonio Conejo Bienvenido, also known like ´Toni the painter´. You can see this painting and other in the website of this artist: http://tonielpintor.es/

I hope you enjoy with both: with my poem and with this painting!! Thank you.

viernes, 9 de septiembre de 2016

To live.

 My religion is the love,
                the respect,
                 the peace.
   My right is to be free.
             Free for love,
                 for respect, 
                  for peace. 
            Free for living.
     My religion is to live.


In the soul of God.

When calls the heart
speaking words of love
then I can walk so far
in the soul of God.



Listen to the flowers.

Listen to the sound of the flowers
in the middle of the farwest
where is easiest jumping the weaves
when the sun sets on the trees.


My third...

My second poem in English.

My first poem born in English.







