
In the begining was sound.
From where time and space are lost.
To the place where I can glimpse my own soul.
In the begining...
In the begining was
the silence sound.



If you hear a voice within you say,
'You cannot paint',
then by all means paint,
and that voice will be silenced.

Vincent Van Gogh.




I dream my paintings,
then I paint my dreams.

Vicent Van Gogh.


With respect and love,
all are...









The writings presented in this blog are completely original. Its use is possible if and when you quote your origin and my complete name (Ana Manuela García Contreras).
Thanks to respect me like author and to respect my art work.
I hope you enjoy with "My own Art" a lot!!

Anna, always with Love.



Las Canteras Beach. Fireworks of the `Night of San Juan´ (June 2016).




To be like water!, my friend. :)

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

The riddle (by me).

       The riddle was found,
       written on the castle walls.
       It didn´t suppose an alarm
       when the sun was down.

      The first clue was in the middle of the sky-lights,
      where the star begins to shine brilliants,
      the same star that whispers with calm,
      the same star that bright behind palms.

     The riddle guide us through halls,
     through clouds, gardens and ancient maps,
     the treasure it promise to give up,
     in this country or in another similar.

     The night sounds lyrically and nice,
     shows us in front of the mirror our face.
     The Purposes lady is coming twice
     and the silence quickly arrives.

     The adventure is finishing the day of the mark,
     the rhythm of the drums invites us to dance,
     poets in the future about all will write,
     and songs and performances will resound in the dark.

    The curse was broken, the prophecy told,
    the riddle was useful for this and today
    I take a deep breath softly after to say
    the old story where I find
    the lovers together in the garden inside.








